Unicorns of Love Unicorns of Love   Entropy
91 91
63 63
53 Headshots 25
64 64
91 91
15 Assists 12

Player statistics

Name (Unicorns of Love) Kills (K/D)Headshots (HS)DeathsAssists
Patrick Zaremba 24 (1.71) 18 (75.00%) 14 3
Jordan Munck-Foehrle 21 (1.50) 7 (33.33%) 14 2
Christian Schmitt 15 (1.36) 10 (66.67%) 11 4
Lukas Meier 17 (1.31) 8 (47.06%) 13 4
Markus Paeseler 14 (1.17) 10 (71.43%) 12 2
Name (Entropy) Kills (K/D)HeadshotsDeathsAssists
Bartosz Mikołajewicz 19 (1.12) 5 (26.32%) 17 3
bLoodyyY 18 (1.06) 5 (27.78%) 17 1
Maximilian Niwa 10 (0.53) 6 (60.00%) 19 1
Maximilian Wloczyk 9 (0.50) 4 (44.44%) 18 3
Master 7 (0.35) 5 (71.43%) 20 4
Unicorns of Love Unicorns of Love   Entropy
91 91
63 63
53 Headshots 25
64 64
91 91
15 Assists 12

Player statistics

Name (Unicorns of Love) Kills (K/D)Headshots (HS)DeathsAssists
Patrick Zaremba 24 (1.71) 18 (75.00%) 14 3
Jordan Munck-Foehrle 21 (1.50) 7 (33.33%) 14 2
Christian Schmitt 15 (1.36) 10 (66.67%) 11 4
Lukas Meier 17 (1.31) 8 (47.06%) 13 4
Markus Paeseler 14 (1.17) 10 (71.43%) 12 2
Name (Entropy) Kills (K/D)HeadshotsDeathsAssists
Bartosz Mikołajewicz 19 (1.12) 5 (26.32%) 17 3
bLoodyyY 18 (1.06) 5 (27.78%) 17 1
Maximilian Niwa 10 (0.53) 6 (60.00%) 19 1
Maximilian Wloczyk 9 (0.50) 4 (44.44%) 18 3
Master 7 (0.35) 5 (71.43%) 20 4


1 T
16 1
6 0


  • Best of Sets: 1