Eagle Farm 2023-03-25 03:12

NCHorseTrainerJY Start Odds End Odds
1 Magic Charlee Mark Currie Mark Currie
2 Cognac Richard & Will Freedman Richard & Will Freedman 7.000
03/22 04:19
03/25 03:13
3 1 The Ritz Michael Morrison Michael Morrison 8.000
03/22 04:19
03/25 03:13
4 2 Festival Prince Matt Kropp Matt Kropp 16.000
03/22 04:19
03/25 03:13
5 3 The Red Kite Mark Currie Mark Currie 2.300
03/22 04:19
03/25 03:13
6 Rose Of Duporth Stuart Kendrick Stuart Kendrick 16.000
03/22 04:19
03/25 03:13
7 Sammy Corey & Kylie Geran Corey & Kylie Geran 15.000
03/22 04:19
03/25 03:13
8 Tanker Indiana Turner Indiana Turner 13.000
03/22 04:19
03/25 03:13
9 Texas Storm Lawrie Mayfield-Smith Lawrie Mayfield-Smith 51.000
03/22 04:19
03/25 03:13
10 Unrelenting Matthew Dale Matthew Dale 5.000
03/22 04:19
03/25 03:13
11 4 Yangari Robert Heathcote Robert Heathcote 19.000
03/22 04:19
03/25 03:13