Albion Park 2023-11-26 10:39

NC Dog Start Odds End Odds
1 Seek And Strike (Res)
1 Seek And Strike
2 3 Roxy Tequila -
11/26 10:39
3 Dynamite Cyndie 1.952
11/26 10:33
11/26 10:39
4 4 Charlie's Flyer 1.800
11/26 10:33
11/26 10:39
5 Like The Wind (Res)
5 Like The Wind
6 2 Cake Is Bad -
11/26 10:39
7 1 Miracle Ghost -
11/26 10:39
8 Pinto Falabella -
11/26 10:39
9 Split The Night -
11/26 10:39
9 Split The Night (Res)
10 Sunset Matilda -
11/26 10:39
10 Sunset Matilda (Res)