Slavia Zizkov

Leagues Played
Czech Republic Regional League 16
Slavia Zizkov is a professional volleyball team based in the city of Prague, Czech Republic. The team was founded in 1948 and has since become one of the most successful volleyball teams in the country. Slavia Zizkov competes in the Czech Extraliga, which is the top tier of volleyball in the Czech Republic.

The team has a rich history of success, having won numerous domestic titles and competing in European competitions. Slavia Zizkov has a strong fan base and plays its home matches at the Sportovní hala Slavia in Prague.

The team is known for its strong attacking play and solid defense. The players are highly skilled and work well together as a team. Slavia Zizkov is led by a talented coaching staff who have a wealth of experience in the sport.

Overall, Slavia Zizkov is a highly respected volleyball team with a proud history of success. The team is committed to excellence both on and off the court and is a true representation of the sport in the Czech Republic.