UMF Selfoss 2

Leagues Played
Iceland 1 Deild 1
Related Teams
UMF Selfoss UMF Selfoss Women
UMF Selfoss 2 is a handball team based in Selfoss, Iceland. The team was founded in 1970 and has since become a prominent force in Icelandic handball. UMF Selfoss 2 is known for its strong defense and aggressive offense, which has led to numerous victories and championships over the years.

The team is made up of talented and dedicated players who are committed to their sport and their team. They train hard and work together to achieve their goals, both on and off the court. UMF Selfoss 2 is known for its strong team spirit and camaraderie, which is evident in their performances and their interactions with each other.

The team plays in the Icelandic Handball League, where they compete against other top teams from around the country. They have a loyal fan base who come out to support them at every game, creating a lively and exciting atmosphere in the arena.

Overall, UMF Selfoss 2 is a skilled and determined handball team that is respected and admired by fans and competitors alike. They are a testament to the power of teamwork and dedication, and they continue to inspire and motivate others to pursue their own athletic dreams.