
Leagues Played
CS:GO - ESL UK Premiership 7
Max&BigGarlicDips is a professional esports team that competes in various online gaming tournaments and leagues. The team is known for their exceptional skills and strategies in games such as League of Legends, Dota 2, and Overwatch. The team is led by Max, a seasoned esports player with years of experience in the industry, and BigGarlicDips, a rising star in the esports scene known for his aggressive playstyle and quick reflexes. Together, they form a formidable duo that is feared by their opponents. The team is known for their dedication to their craft, spending countless hours practicing and analyzing their gameplay to improve their performance. They are also known for their sportsmanship and respect for their opponents, making them a beloved team in the esports community. With their talent and passion for gaming, Max&BigGarlicDips are sure to continue making waves in the esports world.