Ton U21

Leagues Played
El Salvador Fesabal U21 7
The El Salvador basketball team "Ton U21" is a talented and competitive group of young athletes who represent their country with pride and passion on the international stage. Comprised of players under the age of 21, this team is known for their fast-paced style of play, strong teamwork, and relentless determination to succeed.

The players of "Ton U21" are skilled in all aspects of the game, from shooting and ball-handling to defense and rebounding. They are coached by experienced and dedicated mentors who help them develop their skills and strategies both on and off the court.

With a strong work ethic and a commitment to excellence, the El Salvador basketball team "Ton U21" is a force to be reckoned with in the world of youth basketball. They continue to impress fans and opponents alike with their talent, determination, and sportsmanship, making them a team to watch in future international competitions.